October IV, 19.5.7, I j?o .'■> o Haynes, Goodrich "at« lourin' furoiv. ■., Kiiea- o, 111, four .-I:-:-: Your letter <>f tho Xiitb lust.., file y, roeoivod. -- I beg to enclose herewith, oompll irmt ry, copy of tho 0:?:';.'olul fog Book a ' o Old \-vi,f ''rail. .0 v.ui-l ’ no;;; xvjgosuv.o cl, ho 'ovor, tint to: prists aao tho route from ^airhopo, la.'# to 3?onoa ola, shown in book • V . : . 'or.■'. ) as it has bno . allowed to fa 1 .; to iis- ro ol:.o :lt.: t a Bay "inotto routo or tho Mlllon • ferr, route ‘ -refosa do, i-'orr • at Lillian ferry h- » b on •’roplaood b;v oriT.yo* ■.1 .on ', by a snort fosr. and rfi ;1" across tho ;r.rsh by about Ifovomb r 15th, and now road, Movs rlcanc to Xiogtovna, 'no under sta d ill bo eo iplnt< d b;. . ri , oil iin tini forry t Log- to-..-. v and h so :cToii .' audorioo of \7ar« orry, ..Ufjonyoalu to Cu.tier, will h'.vo b on ro~ 1 will try to coop you posted fron tiu. to f * ao Yours tsil: , -03/-