headquarters, sanantonio.tex. NEWS SERVICE REPORT Meeting of Committees from Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Kiwanis, Auto Trades, Lions, Conopus and Real Estate Board with the OST Executive Board at Gunter Hotel Thursday November 1st, 1523. ##******** The rapidly extending interest in the Old Spanish Trail was made clear by an exhibit to delegations from the civic clubs Thursday at the Gunter Hotel. Letters, maps, booklets, magazines and bulletins from various parts of the United States were exhibited, all of which were of the past month’s business at Headquarters office, and none directly prompted by the Association. The letters were from the “collective inquiry" file; that is, inquiries from school teachers, colleges, libraries, editors, tourist agencies,etc. where the supply of information meant reaching collective bodies* Numberless letters from individual inquirers were not emhibited. An estimate of the people to be reached from this one month’s list of collective inquiries is 49,000 while the gross circulation of the newspapers and magazines represented reaches 1,764,000. Committees were present with the OST Executive Board from the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Kiwanis,Auto Trades, Lions, Conopds and Real Estate Board. The purpose was to get to the people of San Antonio in this way facts concerning the widespread national interest in this highway, and the rapidly growing responsibility resting upon San Antonians to carry this work thru, as the people of the nation are trusting them to do. When busy men, accustomed to adjouaming luncheons promptly at 1 30 o'clock, sit until nearly three o'clock without one man leaving it is evidence of the compelling character of the documents ana facts before them. Unanimously, they decided to report back that commiot-ees should be appointed to make the story of the Old Spanish Trail work known. Judge E. D. Henry said San Antonio would become the natural crq.ss—roads for automobile travel of the nation with Mexico to the South, and Florida and California to the nast and West and the Old Spanish Trail the only transcontinental highway open ail the year. All the states, it was shown, today recognise the importance of building the Old Spanish Trail, and are at work. $20,000,000 being calculated as being now available. The Real Estate Board delegation said that while subscriptions were not being asked at the meeting they had seen enough, and they wanted to pledge the Real Estate Board for 1C0$- support. One remarkable exhibit was a complete log book of the Old Spanish Trail complied and published for free distribution by the Automobile Glut of Southern California at a cost of $10,000 after their car had scouted the highway and its work from St. Augustine to San Diego- (OVER)