lire. f.3.3. Phillips, Asst. So'e’y, Old Spanish Trtiil Ass’n, falluhasseo, . ’la. Doar lira. Phillips: " Thanhs Tory aiich for cony of "Florida Record”, Ilovombor l5th. State RO '.d officials’ trip over tho Old Spanish Trail road with interest. I don’t know who thought up teat idea of arranging for 'ho County Go: ini:-; si oners to ho in session When Ota to officials arrived at each pi eo, hut they certainly do servo a lot of credit, md it soens to rave' producGu resultc. I an r.iig'h.tyd'lad to oar that Florida is building up their part of tho Old Spanish Trail in apito of the war. I hopo whilo they aro elan due for buil dnc. the: will :.oop ,i*i mind funds for maintenance. Yours truly. Bov. 110, 1917. gAcritary. SAloB/MS