The OST is an incorporated body. With headquarters intrusted to San Antonio-a trust rests upon San Antonio to particularly interest fturxelf in the aduir.istration of the funds ana affairs coverins such extended territory. aHQUIKISS BUCX^JSTKP 1 Are sonoys banked and checked out v/ith proper regard to constitutional requirements? 3 Are the 'books and accounts clearly and carefully kept? j avo old c-xs■i’jV.ntr. paid la reasonable order> as aonoy coses in, or are funds used for tho oporr-t loiis of certain tndividiwSts? 4 y/Ii£.t is the character of contracts raode' with solicitors, of- funds in the field? 5 vfhat methods for cheeking up collections to establish the correctness ot rcaiittfirico-s? 6 Are solicitors bonded as OSS rules and printed natter require? 7 Are collections rouittsd in -full to Headq„ or do non cciriort chock-:- riKl i'ur-.d"- to their own account? 8 Aro there unfulfilled obligations' due l>y field non„ for .vhich tfc.:*v have aIrs'.Mly boon, paid, end if so what is. the Association liability thereuedep? 9 V/liat is the total cf finds collected, froa the people with the promise cf err vice to be rendered., with the service ot.lll ixii-ondcradAnd •phe-ft money is in -the treasury* or at contend, to perform tn.*.:: service? iO Vniy ‘HS.d the Board of Directors of the Ciuuabor of Ooriaeoc-i at UL Paso refuse support or indorsement of the OSTv Xu a word, a business examination is desired witn cone1 L-ruotiye oritlcisn or subsection. *