LEGAL NOTICE recorded in Map Book One (1), page One Hundred Forty-eight (1-1S). of the Public Records of St. Johns County, Florida, reserving twenty feet on the North side of said tracts and forty feet on the south side for one-half of public road; said land being situate in St. Johns County, Florida, and having been conveyed to Joseph Frankenuerg by Rlverdale Land Company, a corporation, by its deed dated August 25, J1)00. recorded in the public records of St. Johns County, Florida, in Deed Book Seventeen (17), at page One Hundred Thirty-six (13C), together with the tenements, here, dllaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, the same being sold to satisfy the said decree. And the undersigned, as Special Master in Chancery, will execute and deliver to the successful bidder or bidders at said sale a good and sufficient Master's deed conveying the above described property In fee simple immediately after the confirmation of said sale by the ‘Judge of the above styled court. Dated at St. Augustine, Florida, ' ' 29th day of December, A. D. 1927 FRANK D. UPCHURCH. As Special Master ROBT. L. MAYER, Solicitor for Complainant. ,73-10-17-21-3.1-51.— Adv. Teachers Examination “Examinations for teachers in the Public Schools for Florida will b'-.v’ uv /* eDruary,* a. i.j. same being a legal sales day and Rule Day of said court, during the legal hours of sale, to wit: eleven o'clock in the forenoon to two o'clock In tho afternoon, the mortgaged property described in said iinal decree, situate in St. Johns County, Florida, to wit: Tracts Five (5) and Six (G) of Block Twenty-three (23). containing twenty acres of a subdivision known as Rlverdale Plat of Section Thirty-eight (38). and Section Thirty-nine (39), Township Eight I -2,5 A TUESDAY, JAN. 24 tUy Tho Associated Press] Programs In Eastern Standard time. All time is P. M. unless otherwise indicated. Wave lengths on left of call letters, kilocycles on right. 272.6—WPG Atlantic City—1100 8:30—Auto Show 9:00—Dual Trio 10:00—Auction Bridge 10:30—Dance Orchestras 235.5—WBAL Baltimore—1050 S:00—Strombcrg-Carlson Hour 9:00—Enscmblo 10:00—Dance Music 508.2—WE El Boston—590 G:00—Dinner Concert FEATURES C Tuesday, 7:00—Voters Service: Ambassador Vv JAR WTACJ WTIC WRC TV WTMJ WFI WCCO WHAS V S:00—Strombcrg-Carlson Hour: Q WBAL KDlvA KYW WHAM ' 8;00—SeiberlinR Singers; Hans Bart WTIC TV JAR WTAG WCSII WWJ WSAI KSD WRHM WC WFAA WHAS WSM WMC W 9:00—Kveready Hour—WEAF WE. WCAE WTAM WWJ WSAI WHAS WSM WMC WSB 10:00—Auction Bridge Games: West ^ WTAG WCSH WFI WRC WG WGN KSD WCCO WOC WH WSB WTMJ