OB 5-3 HOUSE HABKIKG. The rod, white and yellow color marking ia vary artistic. She OSS and tho U^i.OO are alternated on the color baokgscunsl. Sho Old Spanish Wail name must' he preserved. "U„S.20:? is simply a me-ohanical number with no human interest. She -Lincoln Highway is now being narked with carefully designed concrete markers. She Old Spairi3h Srail should lock forward to a historically designed marker. # * * Shis program cannot he put in force at ones. 1?or the balance of 19£8 we need 25,000 to £0,000 travelogs. She fall travel movement of home seekers is near at hand. Each state or community coordinating will he wall written into this publication. 1000 more Hoad condition maps should bo distributed along the OST and at northern routing bureaus. The work corrooting the old national map plates should bo kept up. She historical signing and membership plaques should be completed. The alluring legend and history of these Southern Borderlands can make this country a travel shrine to northern people. by 1929 she State officials and the local people will understand the plans better and will be more ready to help and to advise. And national headquarters will have its plana more definitely understood and coats more clearly estimated.