V WAR DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON July 2, 1917. Mr. A. G. Batchelder, Chairman, Executive Board, American Automobile Association, Riggs Building, Washington, D, C, Dear Sir: I have read with much interest your letter of the 29th ultima and its enclosures, relating to the very important subject of improved National and State highways, and the proposed legislation by Congress in regard thereto. "Of course, this great project has its value both in time of war and peace, and its consideration should not be unduly postponed, but I fear that present conditions nay tend, at least for the time being, to delay action on this as well as some other urgently needed measures not directly connected with immediate war preparations. "Nevertheless, conceding that there should be complete understanding and coordination of purposes and plans on the part of the Federal and State authorities respecting all economic, industrial, and military conditions that may be involved in the general scheme of improved roads and highways, I feel impelled to say that I shall be glad to dos all in my power to further the general plan outlined in the copy of the bill (Senate 2470) which you were kind enough to send to me. Before "inal action on that bill occurs, however, I take for granted that it will be referred to the War Department for consideration and such recommendations as might be deemed pertinent and proper from a military point of view." Very truly yours, (Signed) Newton Di Baker Secretary of War Copy. WMC/GG