" 1 - .. ■ ■ ■ . ■■ Alto (WIi tio ■ c.....11 if too to ..to. it ■ Ian ■ .p '■■ ■: ecrv :.:i lo vivUa c•. ".to. a fkcvtotoi :v.:oICEr. '.to tor--o \ toot ~ ccr.b /aicb too i.O ’l :-w-o to is a totob. ••tov:. . ■. : ■;/ ■■■■■ son, ; ■, cdfl o£ ;:aoa •I laeo :."ic-.lL.in o.u Jvs’.l.'Lc bqesmo too Ixctxim watt*? all. to q although too toJto Jioaeac kry to rtov;..- :,tot of tto; t;teo» 'j-tila wta on. cfjjnjo* to. to-.:'5© "'o VTOt ot rb: .tolUsto. voto. -.j v\;.vy foot, rr>A rv't; toreo am’ *xa>tes3S lto-;a03 ;»ss*iTGvi .'I; to : to.tototo; to vivo WjQr :J? toa Klo ISt'gOvcv rdllc <•&’ 2^SL1«* to; to, •=."."•..■■>.■ to .• .-p toto;> :b ,-. : io about a' V&&C30 .■■.“C tobsto? boti: olfiOB to t. e ;.Uo/ bio. A toho end o; too Tpo& "to emo out .ca oouo 3i*12c(lc . to.. v.)ovo-- neb: a to: . ton:-.. ; -ovtona oaor*. tow, Icc.,;Jrc on v;o aesitsd at too vrtc-3? iiolo at 2#2sj.^srci3BTvJ go calloC ’eocaaso toa cooovjj 'iAcKic v -.l«n fc ysrst but *'.Ui?,cly;p.viA. nncroaiAoi 0- ii5noA avitl :la Jiolc aa ?»s? c::ato-:uo5 evooe ttio lciioxlas. At tovoo aril cao-AIt* ’.:-a asrlva-l "A 0. n3’i«f> r-'"lei: Aon. iil-ivicllyo* -etoxo "I avo it 01 t a-:o ( ::fcr\y\: ) amo 400 ststs(pasoB; au<2 tv.\slvo wlfios 5: I-oa deep :.urs3 oil c 1 ' osyntalilao v :.toA» r»a t3is In "u? ntoac* bo AJd ;,ot ct':y» but v.xvat oa aif/dica? too loacwos .aacl MLtoc'l 'at ;'b:t piv^yiloa* X’lsypa 1* *:•» y,« Scfij vna yitclaii at a strip(cici^p.) at too e0&« at tliO vroodg Aiio v' .,-; eovoi-eil vrlto craao* jvooocja'to btem it :?«>:■ itoor eg saatoo* 1 vont to loc& at’top It&sers (Ininas) vMch uis ■::•? bm! •; tor rvil 2ull o? ;xn&» oac^oualotl Vj 0akcf otc. Ore of tocei w.'.o toy, I a.-cncr;d its osalAzliy aafi besao ?.th tho Etufi I c«x/ Kcm^to cS1 r. citrafisii, olsc. C*n too :30to v.u sot cut at 0:1SS otros? la.»05?ian of penal, : uio-.n*i"Lar r-ta.