K™;AErrAMT EAGLE LAKE IERCNTILE CO. TEDD S RESTAUKAJN1 _ _ Groceries and bakery. Fresh goods daily. '/Lq AND BAKERY r t fiARAGRr PhT14 n™„ nil Bo ii o WHhWi'UiLiDay or Nig Night Road Service. Soda -Fountain in connection. Open all night. Ba°tteries and electric work* exclusively! BRASHERBUICKCO. ..." G““ant“dsh°P' The service station worth while. J.F.ULERY Optometrist, Yictrolas, Kodaks and supplies. ~i. ___________________________________' 6 GLIDDEN FEHRENKA1P GARAGE Tires, lubes and accessories, filling station and mechanical service. COLUMBUS LIVE OAK HOTEL 20 rooms American Plan. $2.50 per day. BURGffl’S RESTAURANT Tourist’s headquarters. Fine meals. Free information. FIRST STATE BANK Investors and correspondence solicited. ' BURGES’S CAFE The only first - class cafe in town. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO. The garage of service. Gas and oil. >0 —------------------------- MEMORANDUM- JOHN!. KRAUSE Home bakery. Fresh bread and cakes daily. NORTHRUP AUTO CO. Everything for your Ford . Authorized Ford and Fordson Dealers. iXIrbijr. >* c*gars» *°hacc0 an^ I pL^DRUGSTORE Your protection our motto. Registered P. H. GJ fountain service. EAGLE LAKE HOTEL DALLAS The best to be had along the line.