n: otter 'before tbolr rcprowsiteUvo '.y or i. r.odi .to action; rnd " ■ a oojoy o..' tli.tr. resolution bo cent to c.o'. repro .a>;t'.f.V ?. fron .fLoridc, ttvlaa." ot ;c y ,f \ o rcnolut -.onB o < cat to tbo Governors of ell of , bo: lor .:t -.too, to t'ig State Hl{ lay ' nil . >n r - nplnoor of .feat 3, to ' illi as £ . : ' ! .1 .1 ::j ::ovsic 11, : 1, to tb: • ore of Co :::roe of tbo principal cltioo of tbo ■border ft"too, :\l to tbo r-rcas, o.siting tb. lr ctiva co-oporr-tlon in t attar.