V 1 San Antonio, lilexas, February 2nd., 192G, miss Emily L» Wilson, Librarian, St« Augustine Institute of Soienie and Historical Society, St. Augustine, Florida, Lear Hiss Wilson: Shanks for your letter of the 30th. 1 am writing the Hispania-American Society, II, Y. thanks to your statement about that society., i7o have been for years, trying to get the old shapes of shields and the old royal banners in colors, X am also interested in thosepictures you refer to of Spaniards in colorsd uniform« fho cut of the oldest house is to be used in a larger book of historical information0 V7o are finding it slow work, however, trying to get the historical story satisfactorily researched and written covering the whole southern borderland country as a whole, I am very hopeful 1 will be over there before very long. Sincerely, 1 haA Harral Ayres, OST ’lanaging Director. J