doa tractive activities an i&ecutivo Sore&ttcc of five • s-;.;":’ unon {with OU J P:.J U.-lOoU :•>,: MVOStig? • tin: y o Vb'iOJ) V ••,];<> .'TO ;. r° oonforrisig upon tHs eoi,. :lttco 2iin pov/ora of intraif on, in iuUt:i the . Gauging .bivootor joined to lar.-yo no rjuegfcitKi opo.a a a to autfcor-„ &it of l)ueiaess non, 11';o .-sij ahonbor of cor-v ore© or club with power to function L; sloes rol^»tio.a to the work, isne IM objective* 9vhis .^..tJou’CAVo o-vii v;,0:j vx o ;b ovi.'. j.iois -';o taker 23d.. ’.chia in not 2b t &c-ro£at4i»*ji tc ;;.:o o'.v.’rci. of hireetors; thoes ssooriont .n\ea cro ecotiered across the continent, tho/s d.o ,l3:-^ oonvosotion ;.ioote principles riant ho worked out OO ti.'.c b trio OZ.Xik aiVystoru CTil too:feMOPtlVO VatiKd c J ftvaotlQi together forever protoot gio faterecis of tho CM Spanish prall.. HidC!?10ciS v: V-V ; poQp „ . $***<30 months have passed la these efforts* i:©u fesana Erast know tv.© »2J®« Mams 3i VO done great wosw: for ibis Old Mvi.drjh hi-.: ilr nsv; ths*. can poriorn en act tu- fe v;iil prove tlv >.t ‘Xejros loaderuhin can alw. -.vo ho ba*oo-i$ed upon* " ' - the vuyisging Mruotor appoint© a. this ocranlttco, all the floltl -.ion v;oro called inVl Sftoir tOBtirnon^ ran submitted to tlio auditors, and a aoatiaaRaoa of w© undo? ozistlnj; s^cesHgats and lack of prop os' regulation vr.ta ocauM aioOL ; easrs-., Johnston and Cola cent them out ugUxu One oi those v-ov Juvi 'jono cart of a roving coa^lsuioa# fi'o written, iwoors ixv::< ' ;. ■; a .• Ms• wit': •:• •:;. . .•' i ; on) * ii:lo ; ■; :. v::s .vceeJ lel xrora .itfeet Soacfts «nd x<«;eisiiinf. K# loft anpaiiL pereo sooeuate o^ehod > .•:: oh-ocskOo rr • .-■ ■ ; vw eoitlfi have evuirionei u; ■ .*;.• ra;: ,.. ]-,nt this v: . tiiou vreut wistw a^t aafl eenorai lottoru prep-irfsil vnd x\' h: tho -'rooidont :shlag’ «^port ice’ hinn Amb| cthar things wostaviv^ he e- .i.r'.;. a . slioofc 200 00 on the stro>-ift-t3'i of Ms a* ad, aollooti^x; far the tarevoi sorvico n-ypti, io VI.r Ov yIuj; . and ..ilouod the • bJ cal** >iaoa '.ar-.J.. ho .V...., yolX«ate«? noarl;i .’’4SOO 00 i' of fiii-ii ., rMtinp ':. Iffi'-taol.. iho «u>nes' is gone* 10,000 Owt> (■- '.• udvertiahip o. no rc.-i aexvio^) ;v-r<; printncL i ..•:»• tb .; ra iv. n . .=■■•■ J.o-»-0-e:n.go aectiOR* miu tlirov.-?i a*.; ?,“*•*tko;* eoro : . .; : uistr3J>*ct:lon ooulC not bo OiXov.-Gu, '..hi .; eyrvieo-jfjp voz-L tsr e '. / • ,n;o.;. 1. et hoooaiher * OhG ; ::.M Gins3 of t;..e Ohi: la lasas should have.- ':eo■'. cappliaA v;ith this map earvioe for the &u?.xoar tvavolc ;ho pcoela o-ro eurrolaiviing, of couree, hut this collector tvc:r; put out sgaia on e ;u> ’ hhGioa he io not bended* be v;ta allowed to indorso and. convert hw MoM cl dollcirc. of choclss and funds to hie own v-sg, Offioir.-.i arecoict hoote c-re ir. st-oekj :acchlne Mtjsh-erod, printa . in. triplicate, raid with ps.*otoctivo fcM-c.voGo Shoo© wore not efcoafccd taeh &gnirict tho solicitor t;.v Ifco offi.eot the oadltors as&Eo ?:•.;.do five? ah-goe of nji-.lreoo ou il-In :eren rcaouiitn, oiid t'hov don’t act prove 'Up« Sharo'a no ’book^-soonin^ in th.o office worthy of tho «rss* file state..--ont akov/a u hurdvod or* rorc dollars ovor-paid o:a the vt.f oo.'r&iiesions after tLo heat pooniblo attoapt to adjust the lad cheote, coiwjissioa rohatos, . fataxro x'dj-'saato^ advertioei-.oats in trade, ear repaira tredos oto«etco fliers in no prop or compilation of Iho latoaiofi itraveJL ia.Corsr-r.tio.n* f :■!*•> dole st’,s the solicitor w«s to i<.j I lf She cost of printing tlio :i>,000 naps ■wnd infer.mtionj tlio solicitor a&iu ho Vife-.&ii* t. _h;w Its ac-s ho liiii- ncoo 'tin he ®as horrowiae rn.raej* For this' 7$v ho uA3 eloo to Cto oooe rr.rkinc; 2*0253s nv.n wor rit all cjarfced, co re I'iUoaraJ otlii noedod end oo^e elt.osi noedod intMligont I proving, Ms OM jiiarking a},otm- wac piennou^ Isv cixilloG. .isiio uarofui o'ps#iiicaWffli8 ocelot co to dlmonsicno, hraans 02:• paint," 3iotlioa«- of appliCfAtisk, clzao of atoneils etc > lee r-m'hing done hy this rnns v/hero iiiopcotod, io Xn ffaroloso aieregerd of thoso spoeifloatioas# and therefore worse than if it had not boon done* Aaothor man, collootJLng' advortloinf; lii:c tho first, was given i3e 1/Sa commission, and allowod c;'• honover^ \jqq sent oat uga3.ii, u?.t*3. the Tiif 1/3, i:&-.n m u scut to isirf. too . oridi ..u BigiivAiy* Xhoeo JiGrlMan’pcoplo way bo interested in these facto, .. • . Another can -ova ; ivan 25 for collecting laoiaborahipo, and ho iiirniahad his own car. ho submits a bill for over dOO 00, oleimint, tfco office 00 miB-hundlod his work while ho wac in the field ho loot in if .0 end expenses