GEORuTS J. ROARK. President HEN D. JACKSON. 1st. Vict-Pres. ASHLEY E. WEAVER. Treasurer .Judge DeWITT BENNET, 2nd. Vicc-Prcs. L. P. TULLOS, Chairman Finance Committee N. A. CRAVENS. 3rd. Vicc-Pres. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: HARRY LONGE. Chairman $abine=Necbes Automobile Association CARL E. LOCKE J. V. BROCK W. M. CROOK N. A. CRAVENS W. E. LEA G. HARRY SHEPHERD DIRECTORS: JOHN O. BANKS ED. STEDMAN. JR. It. K. APPLEMAN J. L. MAPES I.. B. HERRING REV. O. A. BAUER W. D. JOHNSON BEN SHIPLEY Affiliated With American Automobile Association Emergency Service Department Phones: Beaumont, 2727; Orange. 1000; Silshcc, 14 Main Office—Hotel Beaumont DIRECTORS: JOS. ROSENTHAL P. D. RENFRO BEN D. JACKSON ASHLEY E. WEAVER N. A. CRAVENS J. W. ANDERSON e. e. McFarland B. It. JOHNSON J. A. BARNES J. V. BROCK W. E. LEA CARL E. LOCKE W. M. CROOK HARRY LONGE G. HARRY SHEPHERD DeWITT BENNET L. P. TULLOS BEAUMONT, TEXAS May 7, 1929 Mr. Harral Ayers, Managing Director OST Gunter Hotel San Antonio, Texas Dear Mr. Ayers: It has been reported here that you have resigned, please write Mr. J. L. Mapes who has just returned from New York City, a personal letter giving in details your future plans for the Old Spanish Trail Association. Attached is a clipping from The Times Picagune. V/.L, Piammel, Secy-Manager Sabine Automobile . : s T n, '..'LR: EB one: 1 W. L. RAMMEL. Soc’y-Mnnajrer J Office Phones: 561—5100 t YoprsvCTj truly.