Summer In The Hills | old Spanish Trail Traueloq __..... - . nin«( in vigor:' Issued from National Headquarters Qunter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas INDEX Autocnmps, in Descriptive Log..._ Jhtjnidwin County ------------------- Ratification work ............... County seats, in Descriptive Log.. Descriptive log and data ........ Eastern section conditions-------- Elevations....-........-.......... El Paso ....--------------------- Ferries and tolls ---------------- Paco ---------------- 11-38 --------------- 40-41 -----------------11-38 ..........-......11-38 -------------------- 5 .................. 0-9 History,— 4-10-11-14-15-1G-1S-20-23-24-2G-2S-30-31-33-34-35-36-37-3S When the route of the Old Spanish Trail across > Texiis was planned this Hill Country, then wild and mote, was selected because of its unparalleled attrai for health, relaxation and sheer joy. Today this cot offers the most delightful driving in Texas. Hotels, ea' vacation ranches and hoarding houses now are liuntei The rugged hospitality of the West prevails. ..It i country that paints roses on the cheeks of children: d directors............................ 46 reddens the blood of men and women. a. Old Spanish Mission Fields-------------------------- Information, travel service and accommodations: n______________ described on pages 24 to 30. Populations----------------------- - - Hotels, in Descriptive Log Loxley ------------------------ Lunch club meetings------------ Map of the Old Spanish Trail. Mileage table------------------ —11-38 — 44 ..... 45 ....24-25 — 6-9 Tile Old Spanish Trail route across West Texas is tlie t' cut, the most Interesting and best. It Is S8 ml. shorter: the railroad and 20 nil. shorter than the southern route. 1 driving conditions prevail. There are no bumper antes o Spanish Trull to -damage ears or distress Inexperienced t ers. No impassable roads on this route in wet weather, 1 that travel in all western States.can bo stopped briefly by waters crossing the concreted drainngo — Tossing the mlsinforniaUonl'^Texiin^^hemsidve-^l °f,