Tuesday Morning PARLIAMENT OF THE WOMEN—10:00 A. M. At....................... Mrs.....................Presiding. Committee: Mrs. J. C. Hardy, Gulfport, Miss., Pres., Fed. of Women’s Club of Mississippi. Mrs......................Pres., Fed. of Women’s Club of Louisiana. Mrs. A. F. Storm, Morgan City, La., former Pres., Fed. of Women’s Clubs of La. Jfrs.......................New Orleans, La. Mrs........................New Orleans, La. Discussion: Highway Beautification. Led by Mrs.............................of Federation of Women’s Club of the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, where these women arc well along in the work of planting Royal Palms 100 feel apart for 90 miles on the Mexican Extension of the Old Spanish Trail, and this is being followed by private property improvement. Discussion: Tourist Parks, equipment, beautification, led by Mrs......................... Ollier discussion on control of the rights of way; suggestions for legislation: elimination of roadside advertising; on tree and shrub selection and planting; on historical signing, etc. Exhibition of photographs of advertising horrors along public roads. (Please obtain and send in photographs). Open discussion. Program of work for ensuing year. Appointment of Committees. Announcements. Resolutions or recommendations for the Convention. Shall the women elect officers and make this Parliament and work a permanent feature? Adjournment. HoiiBviniiiuiniiifisv — 6 —