BAIN’S DRUG STORE * ' Uh - incorporated. Richmond and Rosenberg. -S' RICHMOND MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford Service Station. JONES & HINSON Groceries for every tourist’s need. MSI,NATIONAL BANK Investors/, Correspondence solicited. NATIONAL HOTEL Special appointments and tourist’s comfort. OST Headquarters. 'O' PALACE OF SWEETS Cold-drinks and eats. Accpmadation. Information. Registered Pharmacists. News Service and perodicaleS; JJL P. DAVIS & CO. ...............^ [Jn - inc , DONSBAKERY & CONFECTION. Tourist’s refreshment parlor. Never better bafi\ ery gbsds. Soda fountain service. lilUOTTON- 175 rooms, fire-proof. Room with, bath $2.00. '—^ SUGAR LAND SUGAR LAND INDUSTRIES Home of only refinery of sugar-cane between Wew Orleans and Pacific Coast. Also the sealy Mattress. .. ,• A HOUSTON RM. IIOTP! - Cor- Texa« and Main Sts. D on OST. Houston’s leadinf hotel. Roofgarden open for all meals. v: lAC-ATEE HOTEL- rfe°Pani Plan- 0ne block east Central Depot- ^aie_anfl garage in connection. I, \\ BRAZOS HOTEL- ^ 250 rooms7“"The leading hotel in Houston. The Brazeos Court is the finest out-door dining place in the. world. 26 garag£s,‘in connection. HOTEL BRISTOL- v European Plan. Centrally located. Popular rates. Especially catering to tourists. BE GEORGE Best appointments. Tourists solicited. HOUSTON ELEC. SERVICE CO. . - 1405 Main Street. Phone. 2252. ' . ' Delco — Remy — NortheasT— Bosch — Auto-lite USL Batteries for every make car. J. M. Speedometer service. QUICK SERVICE GARAGE- > SOS Travis^Official Motor League garage. y All-time service. We never sleep. Reasonable i » assured. / \ SWfHMAIN & BELAIR Bim \ mijnh^ m connection. J. E. Flannagan, Prop. mSmOTOR C0.-5eS“Ss>o Bros, motor cars. Louisiana and Texas Avenues. mmmm buick co. 7. Buick sgles service rooms 904 Main st. Tounst’sjheadquarters. V "" v ---- \ — ■ — COlfRT HOUSE GARAGE 214 Fannin St. Dav and Night Service. Gas and oil.