THE FLORIDA TiMES-UftiQN, JACKSONVILLE ELECTION OF OFFICIALS TOOK PLACE AT FINAL SESSION OF QUARTERLY MEETING HELD IN TALLAHASSEE. MAJ. BROWNE’S SUCCESSOR FORMERLY HELD THE OFFICE State Highway Engineer Is Now the Assistant Highway Commissioner of, Virginia—New Secretary Comes from Live Oak—Bids Opened for Pinellas Bridges But No Award of1 Contract—$250,000 for the Road North of Pensacola. / "7" - ....'*1® k ■■ 'W'Sa •Jgl Hjgm ! wm , 'p Reelected chairmnn of the State toad Department of Florida. Jud^c •fillips was appointed member of the epartment fro pi the state at large y Governor Hardee, la January, 1)21, and Mas elected chairman at he first meeting after his appoint-tent. WILLIAM F. COCKE of Richmond. Virginia ' ■ W ilk ' I - X Ik.. kkv - Appointed state highway engineer by tile state road department to trac-eed Major Cltns. A. Ilrowne, of Orlando, resigned. .Mr. Cocke was appointed state road commissioner of Florida by the state road depnrt-nt in April, lOlli. and served until October, 1010. when lie resigned, lias been, assistant state hlgh-y commissioner of Virginia for the past two years. • engineer oi this department, been tendered the chairman, in *r that lie might accept si much more lucrative position as engineer for Orango county, Florida; and, Whereas. It is understood that tlie hairman has accepted such resig-atlon, subject to the approval of the department, in order that ho might accept this position which is more de.slrablo than tho ono which ho has given up; and. Whereas, Tho members of this department do wish to assure Major Browne of their sincere regret in losing him as stato highway engineer; and, Whoreas, They wish to express to him their appreciation of the work which ho has done for ’the .department. as well as their personal ns-vith him during tho past sociation ear; ami, Whcrea pnrtment Tho members of this do-alizo in Major Browne’s going that they arc losing a man who has always stood for the best Interests of tho state, and has dono well tho work undertaken; now, therefore, ho it |hercby ratify the action of the chair-ii and do commend him'to the clt-is and officials of Orange county a man In whom tho.v can put the |utmost confidence and trust, and do eby wish and predict for him I much success in his new undertale- JUDGE H. B. PHILIPS of South Jacksonville JUDGE PHILIPS, CHAIRMAN; WM. F, COCKE,ENGINEER, AND C. H. TEDDER. SECT’RY, OF STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT I Tallahassee, Jan. 20.— (Special).— I Judge H. B. Philips of South Jack-1 sonville, member of the state road department from the state at large, ? was today reelected as chairman of ' the department. William F. Cocke of Richmond. Va., was elected state highway engi-' peer to succeed Major ’Charles A. 1 Browne, who recently resigned. Mr. • Cocke is at present assistant high- • way commissioner of the state of • Virginia, and was state road com-; missioner of Florida from May, 1915, 1 until July. 1919 when, the title of • the office being changed, he bccamo ‘ state highway engineer, which posi- • .tion ho held until he resigned, in October, 1919. Mr. Cocke’s service to | the state is well known, and it is believed that his appointment will • meet with universal approval. C. 1-1. Tedder of Live Oak was I elected secretary of the department, , succeeding J. L. Crcsap. who has I been acting secretary since the res-I ignation of J. P. Clarkson In May, 1920. Mr. Cresap, who is assistant engineer, has carried, in the most | acceptable manner, the additional du-- ties which he has performed as act-. ing secretary, and he has established a most enviable reputation in his work. He has received a salary of $1 per year as acting secretary, so that his double service has been i without additional compensation. It : is understood now that Mr. Tedder, us secretary, will receive the compensation allowed by law, which is said to be $2,000 a year. The department this morning designated the $250,000 of federal funds, formerly apportioned to Escambia county, to be used on stato road No. 7, north of Pensacola, between Pensacola and the Alabama state line. The department adjourned at the noon hour, and will next meet at a | point to be designated within the first congressional district upon call of the chairman. While no date has I been set, it is thought that this I meeting will be held some time with-I in the next month. I Bids wore received and opened at [ the offices of the department this afternoon for the construction of ' Seminole bridge and Safety Harbor bridges, in Pinellas county, on stato aid road No. 130. 'y These bids arc being tabulated, and it is not possible at this hour to announce the low bidders. The bidders included: E. W. Parker. Tampa; Austin Bros., Atlanta; Doulutt & Williams. New Orleans; Raymond ConcretePilc Company. New York; Maloney & Murphey. Knoxville: A. Bentley & £>ons, Jacksonville. Major Browne Commended. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Clark and seconded by Mr. Schilling, was unanimously adopted by the state road department this m ^Vhere'as, The members of the state rond department have been informed that the resignation of Major Charles A. Browne, state high-