THE FLORIDA TOBACCO COMMISSION CO. GROWERS - PACKERS - DEALERS FINE FLORIDA AND GEORGIA TORACCOS WM. M. CORRY •s&vwr IN ACKNOWLEDG Ur, b„ LoBlaiic, Ho bile, Ala, Dear Sir: ViKi 3 "'"7 I bog to acknowledge copy or yam’ i.ottor or uiio 24th ultimo to Ur. J. H. Calhoun, V. 1. at fallahassoc, 1 note th&t tnc Alabama Directors approve of tin appointrn • S of Mr_. 17m. Herridor., of Dcnsacola as Gen ral Supervisor of Florida, ami unis appointment meets with my hearty approval. Ur. Herrider is an enthusiastic i it-, energetic good roan's man, and I third: he will continue to^ao he •.•.as b .-on doing. On account or my repeated absence from Uiie office I have not cent you any communications recently, would say that tno County Hoa forces are no-./ at v;ori: on the old Spanish frail, grading down lulls, raising fills, c.nd scraping too roads, one the County Commissioners cr oci to keep tno mtire road force on this work u til the road is put in goo. snapo. u'o arc still wait mg for some active stops to be taken in tno matter or uui.uiing tno bridge across tno Chattahoochee liver. l'his is one or tno 'tost important links m tno Old Spanish frail, an as tv Government and Jackson County na.s promised go stand their sn re, can soe no x ason why'the bridge cannot be. built promptly. I iio_ c tjo map's you at •no old 8janiS?v £< 'i'r.aii convention in lallaii&ssoo ,//nm uisn rand regain! o