eve *al itora of. I tor t t . d ... v. -o o’.: ro- n.r.hn -..ore t at ’.oral conditiono, nature or tor-ala, aocc r V 1-ity and practioabllity of a trsnocontiacivtal id? ..ay ecu'-sclIn -to ocean van In itcolf ar. a risranoe of •.uece-.s or I o Id il- ls] rail ram larida to California; t AX it m tfle >rtest ..v: ’lori a to ‘California, using the terminals of Lie hi - 'ro:.i JaoJ:-.;ynvillo to V.n iiiogo, f. a distanco Ir.'-.v- - rezi-. ■ I miles; Inara -.I. a four tran continental ill . aye ad .. . si t d to traverse t e tordor o; the United tates, t ov t ..... l' ■ 1............rail f on It Value as a military . ay ..null >; Urea i t to t:.i. attention of I..:; ■/r coianitu •. 3 in .. ;yi for its do .I- -vd-ion as one 0 tho four trail loentlimtal l . aye. f.-.o Cl.l $nnioii •frail • foruid in :;o'.'ilo, a, in 1915, ;:.il v