LINCOLN WAY IDEAL SECTION TO BE DUPLICATED NEAR DETROIT Detroit to Pontiac Improvement Twice Width of Model Section Will Be Lighted Also Detroit, Mich. - The Ideal Section of the Lincoln Highway completed recently in Lake County, Indiana, 30 miles south of Chicago, remains .the finest stretch of the transcontinental road between New York and San Francisco. But Oakland County, Michigan is going to provide a road between Pontiac and Detroit which in many respects will be two Lincoln Highway Ideal Sections side by side. It is believed vthat when the 33 mile road is completed between Detroit and the ■Pontiac, it will be/finest section of modern rural highway in the United States. Traffic Development Rapid It is interesting to note how this road has developed. Only ten years ago the first short strip of concrete was laid on the road in what is now the city of Detroit. In 1915 another section was concreted near the Pontiac end. Additional strips of pavement 15 and 16 feet wide were laid in 1916 and 17, the road being completed to an average width of 16 feet in the latter y ear, This new road was not a year old when It became obvious that it was far too narrow to care for the ever increasing traffi Many fatal accidents occurred, some due to cars being crowded off the road and onto the tracks of the interurban line which parallels the highway for the greater part of the way. The state and county now expect to do the job right. A right-of-way of 300 feet(double the right-of-way secured for the Ideal Section of the Lincoln Highway) has been provided and when the new highway is finished it will consist of two 40 foot concrete pavements separated by a 44 foot space in which the interurban line will run. High curbs will separate the interurban tracks from the two automobile highways, each of which will carry one way traffic. Outside of each 40 foot pavement will be