; :.i : ici i$2S, i: ih: "it... In ' : ' • IS 21 pi . . fo3 t idge: , in d 1 IS of 40,CCD so. ■ to m i3 (hanj n fa 2 1 thing . . pia . 5 2:r 1.1....' . . l s fl . " '1 ta„. . . ... I_ ■.... . ' 0 for 11'23 1.1 • 'ti.f. p:'irl i- '■ £ it •• '■. '.'..I. 1 •.:-..■■• " _. .21 '. „ _ .1'.:".. 111 fncc-'va ...; planned 3ec.l921 1C..2 .1 *8 ..." „a.\ ' . nt; . , • '1 .... ;'C. .2 • ' '1 :■. .. T” .1 1T~ Tola 1. " 350.—udvor ti.vir g. 8 .... .. •. 1 i 6,000 '1 • srships . id adve tising II. vor. tiviaicn, 10,'"C :.,CC0—...3 .1 aav. I;:e,!!•.•:aten, 1 caution t,Croc.ge. Irowasville fir. 5,000; 2,CX>— •; Inc.*, Isl l io line* 21 _o.so division, 5,000. 530:-- ” ' ■ v . _ov.l£‘.-:ia •I-.--'. 15,000 C?—Inoladec lev/ Orient ilississi; pi ' 1. • 2,000 2,000-rfhis a»i D'ver~8uhscril -1 Ala! ... Division, 5,000 <4,430--0-1 -sul - : ip'ti r> \ vi indicate ’. lavluc.vv j ... fulling ... • . H riei’ida Division, 10,000j 165-rHBA Jfcri ensacola, duct- 8 s'or-vilio all l;> ...a '.£'.-1 '1.1.:. 18 ^uota if field ______i cai&e. /e.vic.-rn Division, 5,000,. :1.'oriel*0; '. .'a.... 1... -------, ; 168,000. I lacaipts', ........................ .rlt ,1~5 8 _h’... 165,000 could have shrr.nl; (as calculated) or.0-half and rf.IIl the | 0 >nstx’i stive _ slioies I had planned for 1922 could have ‘been put in foroe :....; tie seel. fion ..aI.; a ol ■ cr..aooro, h 1 1 ■ •. H • &