10 ROADSIDE PLANTING VIII. Plant Materials In selecting trees and shrubs for a given location, a survey ol the existing native growth will indicate the species to plant, and the other kinds that can be used. Soil conditions are important and should be carefully studied. A list of suggested material for roadside planting is to be found in this booklet beginning on this page. In this list the scientific names are given as well as the common names, and key letters are included which refer to the regions, outlined on the accompanying United States map, in which the species will grow. Boundaries of these regions or zones are approximate only and must not be considered as sharp limits of territory in which a given species may thrive. Such divisions can be made only in a general way. Not all available trees are listed, by any means; many of the soft-wooded species, quick-growing and liable to produce dead wood rapidly are omitted in the interest of more lasting and satisfactory planting. ROADSIDE PLANTING Shru bs—Continued Region Common Name Scientific Name NCS ^ Fragrant Sumac Rhus aromatica NMCPS Syringa Philadclphus eoronarius Evergreen Shrubs CsP Holly Ilex opaca CS Mountain Laurel Kalmia latifolia ® Mahonia Mahonia aquifolia Col Rhododendron Rhododendron maximum CMS NMCPS CMS NMCS NMCS CS NMCS NCS NMCS Bittersweet Clematis Euonyinus Wild Grape Honeysuckle Boston Ivy English Ivy Matrimony Vir Moonsccd Myrtle Trailing Rose Cclastrus scandens Clematis virginiana Euonymus radicans Vitis aestivalis Loniccra halleana Ampelopsis vcitchi Hedcra helix Lycium barbarum Menispcrmum canadense Rasa wichuraiana Dorothy Rosa wichuraiana Evergreen Gera Rosa^ wichuraiana Far- Rosa wichuraiana Gardenia Rosa ^ wichuraiana Ilia* Rosa wichuraiana South Orange Perfection Rosa wichuraiana Excelsa CODE REGION N North Eastern C Centra) Eastern M Mountain P Northern Pacific Coast S Southern and South Pacific Coast LIST OF TREES AND SHRUBS FOR HIGHWAY PLANTING Shade Trees Small Trees—Continued Region Common Name Scientific Name Region Common Name Scientific Name NMP Alder Alnus glutinosa CS Red Bud Ccrcis canadensis NMCPS White Ash Fraxinus americana NCP Thorn Apple Crataegus crus galli C Ohio Buckeye Aesculua glabra NC Scarlet Thorn Crataegus coccinea NCPS Horse Chestnut Acsculus hippocastanuin M Colorado Hawthorn Crataegus coloradensis S Camphor Tree Cinnamoinum camphora NCS Catalpa Catalpa spcciosa S China Tree Melia azcdnrach Trees At Streams S Southern Cypress Cupressus macrocarpa NMCS American Elm Ulmus americana NMCP Paper or Canoe Birch Bctula papyrifera NCS Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba CS River Birch Bctula nigra CS Sweet Gum Liquidambar styraciflua NMCPS White Birch Bctula alba NMCPS Hackbcrry Celti3 occidentalis NCS Golden Willow Saljx vitcllina aurea NCPS Linden or Basswood Tilia americana NC Pussy Willow Salix caprea P Madrona Arbutus proccra NCS Weeping Willow Salix babylonica S Magnolia Magnolia grandiliora NMCPS White Willow Salix alba CS Magnolia Magnolia accuminata NMCP Norway Maple Acer platanoides NC Red Maple Acerrubrum Nut Trees NMC Sugar Maple Acer saccharum NC Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa CS Beech _ Fagus americana CS Laurel Oak Quercus laurjfolia NMC Black Walnut Juglans nigra S Live Oak Quercus virginiana NC Butternut Juglans cincrca NMCP Pin Oak Quercus palustris CPS English Walnut Juglans regia NMCP Red Oak Quercus rubra NC Hickory Hicoria ovata NC Scarlet Oak Quercus coccinea NCS Swamp White Oak Quercus platanoides CS Water Oak Quercus nigra Evergreens NCS White Oak Quercus alba * t S Desert Palm Washingtonia filamentosa X71}|S'I. Arbor > }Uic 1 huya occidentalis S Royal I’alin Royslonra rcsia " ® Fir or While Spruce Abies concolor S Palmetto Sabal palmetto NMCP Balsam Fir Abies baUamea CS Pecan Hicoria pecan -'JP STcla? F'r. Ts"e» doilKlassi CS Pcpperidge Nyssa sylvatica *'* Colorado Silver S I’oinciana Poinciana regia XT.,n Cedar Jumpcrus scopulorum CS Oriental Plane Platanus oriental!? NCI Hemlock Tsuga canadensis NCS Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Austrauan I me Jmus australis CS Sassafras Sassafras officinale ;>C Austrian Pine Pmus auslraiara S Soapberry Sapindus drumrnondi *?., Eucalyptus Eucalyptus ficifolia CS Tulip Tree Liriodendron tulipifera g* Georgia Pine Pmus palustris NMC Rocky Mt. Pmc Pinus pondcrosa Qtruill Trr»p«? NC Scotch Pine Pinussylvestris amau trees NMC White Pine Pinus strobus NC Cralopple Malus coronarius NMC Colorado Blue Spruce Picea pungens CSP Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida NCP White Spruce Picea canadensis NCP Mountain Ash Sorbus americana NMCP Larch Larix americana NMCPS Wild Plum Prunus americana NMP Yew Taxus canadensis Shrubs Rcftion Common Name Scientific Name CS Flowering Almond Prunus japonica NMCP Aralia Aralia pcntaphylla NMCb Arrowwood Viburnum dcntalum CS Azalea Azalea amocna NMCPS Japanese Barberry Bcrberis thunl>ergi CS Button Bush Ccplmlanthus occidentalis MRS Broom Aphyllon ludovicianum CS Cinquefoil Potcntilla fruticosa NC^ Alpine Currant Ribesalpinum NCS Dewberry Lucretia NMCP Grey-branched Dog- wood . Cornus paniculata NMCP Red-hnmched Dogwood Cornus stolonifera NMCPS Elder Sambucus canadensis NMC Hazelnut Corvlus americana S mn„ Hibiscus Hibiscus grandidorus NMCPS Bush Honeysuckle I.oniccra tartarica NMCPS Indian Currant Symphoricarpus vulgaris CS Kerria Kcrria japonica NP . Kmnikinnick Arcto-staphylos uva-ursi NMCPS Lilac Syringa vulgaris S Oleander Oleander NMCPS lliota Privet Ligustrum ibota CMS Flowering Quince Cydonia japonica NCS Sweet Briar Rosa rubiginosa NMCPS Meadow Rose Rosa blanda NMCPS Memorial Rose Rosa wichuraiana NCS Swamp Rose Rosa Carolina NCS Wild Rose Rosa setigera P Salal Gaultheria shallon NMCS Sheepberry Viburnum Icntago NMCPS Snowbcrry Symphoricarpu9 raccmosus NMCPS Spirea Spiraea van houltei NMCPS Sumac Rhus typhina