V Oi interest to the Old Spanish ?rai. 1 movement and Bo erne is the fact that the ancient San Saha Trail ran from San Antonio thru Bo erne to Fredericksburg and to the old Spanish Sort on the San Saha river in Menard County. The ruins of the old fort and other ancient Spanish ■works are still there. Mr. H. J. Graham called attention to this old history and ''r. Graham and Julius II. Luckenbaeh of Boe- ne and W. H. Locke, county surveyor at San Antonio are assistin ' H. B. Ayres, the managing director in developing the v; ■ ole story, and the Star is promised this story for next week as m interesting hit of Christmas, reading. The old Spanish Bass, near Boerne, enters into this old history, and also other spots nearby. Boerne will have many interesting reasons for helping to make the Old Spanish Trail a great highway. Charles Herff has a great deal of information respecting old history about Boerne.