E. M. COLLINS, PRESIDENT MEMBER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MEMBER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ASSOCIATION F. R. S. PHILLIPS. SECRETARY GADSDEN COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE QUINCY. FLORIDA Teh ruary 10,1921. Hr. . .3. ^i’S3,lie.na :i • director. Old Spanish frail Associc.tion, Hob ile, Ala. Lly dear Hr. Arcs: Pardon delay in writ in/ to you. 1 have ho on very busy jettin ; petitions circulated to call an election to continue tick eradic tion in this county,and no are still hard at /ork on ;e 11ing si, nati• rc s. I enclose clippings. If Hr .Hiller will hold true to the OST and help to get State •doa'ct ITo. 1 improved, and do other things for the Association, all right; but if you get him on record in a letter,that he must do other things first, would it not be well to Quietly ignore him further, and look to St. Augustine for another Councillor and real help? I think so. As I told you., St.Augustine will be glad to have your convention. Jefiaacola should be willing to try for it? If Tallahassee can have the convention on a reasonable basis,I feel sure they '/ill be glad to have it; but Tallahassee has just been solicited for ^25,000 to get a new hotel put up there,—had to raise this sum, I v/as informed yesterday, to induce the corporation taut owns a chain of hotels to build there. There are so many demands for funds, I fear Tallahassee will not undertake anytuin.v costing more than A300 to ,)500, and perhaps not then. I have not~ seen any of the people there aoout ,his,so this is merely my own opinion,but x am fairly familiar with conditions there. The main thing, it seems to me, is—to renew attention ana interest in the OAT project:if this is done, the rest can be secured. And I think it would be worth while "to not demand a heavy gift of fluids from any town for the convention, but enough to safely cover your own expenses and memberships to organize a local 0ST Club, to'which more members would be added later on? The publicity and invitations should insure a fairly good attendance at the convention. Hay is a oeautiful monte at Tallahassee, and April is usually aood. I am willing to resign as Councillor and have you to appoint Ion. Y. 1. './at son, leading attorney he re, who is interested in the Trail, j.Ir . ’./.J.Cocke, former State highway .Engineer, is comin : back to Tallahassee,and will give us a square deal on state Hoad no,1. let me icnow what you decide to do. I will hole in any v>.r> that I can, with best wishes,! am, Very truly, i-'