' "OLD SPANISH TRAIL tfay 5th.1917 Hoh. -Johrs VI. B&ok head., United. State a Senator ■"aaMagton, B, C. Dear Senator: Th-rc v;i31 be hold on Friday and Saturday, the 18th.and 1 Oth.of thimonth,at Tallahassee,Florida, the third convention of the Old Opart.-.h Trail Aosocia-tion. It i the o-rrrst denim of the Association that you should r.v kc the prinnipel address at tho night session on Friday. If I nay be pardoned for spooking v lit- ami residence in one of our Gulf coast Rtntois through which the Old Spnr.i.h Troll •*unr.J all comb inn to make it hi hly appropriate that you should be the principal speaker. •do ell juite appreciate the oriole in national affairs and that, you may feel that, your duty ronuir s your presence in Uaohington rather than olacrhero,and if such should bo the oasc,%e should of course oh or fully ecquiosce in that decision,but v:o very uch trust that you ray so see the situation ao to find that, your duty to the country and your constituonto will not bo injured by your adrirossin thi; convention on a subject that i. alvrnys important and that i ao obi o to us becomes more important ?.{. this time of military crisis,oven than in tim of peace,for that tie preen; your known inter cot in ood rondo and your nation?1 prominence and standing and your Sou thorn birth