- " w y e • • Sir! 'r ♦ 1st of llie unel Ideal oe sent to Hie Ohio • ♦ ces Considered. Jvives. ' # # $ {excessive number of | obtain eon vent ion • I of guests stopping # aispions. * # • r jams “collect" for li limum priced rooms TEXAS HOTEL NEWS Advertising under heading of ‘’Recommended Hotels”. Paying commissions to public porters and taxicab drivers to direct business. Special concessions t o officers of organ-i/.ations to divert business. Cutting luncheon rates to civic asso-ciat ions. Selling advance room space at a discount in blocks to be resold by agencies. Complimenting representatives of 1 ransportation companies. Setting no definite hour for the beginning of 1 he second day charge. Not demanding restitution where possible to establish criminal intent by bad check passers and forgers. Free service-newspapers, fruit, etc. No room service charge. Free insurance to guests. Free buses and taxics to and from st at ions. Giving bus lines commissions, Solicit ing business on public carriers. Histributing hotel literature on public 1 ugh ways. Giving fne days to guests who stay one week. rising. prominent personages. Dr unidentified people. gj^jKt ension. issuance of courtesy from other hotels It ing t lie manager, jfc. jpne service. Jisscd were as follows: ^ rograms and charifv *| ;xas Hotel Men at Big Spring. Jng of Regional Hotel Association Has Good nee—Officers Re-elected and Wichita Falls icted for Next Meeting in Midsummer. Hotel Lubbock, Lubbock, was again named president: Howard Gliolson, Ranger, \ice president, and Calvin Rov-kin, Big Spring, secretary. Hotel managers represent ing 1 be larger insl it ut ions from El I’aso to Port Worth and Wichita Falls to San Angelo were in attendance. .Meeting in executive session following a luncheon at the Settles, widen began ■V I perators of West Texas -(the second quarterly West Texas Hotel Asso-g Spring April 18, with «t honors divided be-jrd and Settles hotels, jjs were re-elected and jfteted for tbe next quar-■ J'ouclusion of tbe organ-(■•ession. C. A. Sliellield, Settles Hotel, headquarters for West Texas Convention. at 1 p. in. discussion of vari confronting the hotel imhr, by .!. D. Karr, Hotel Hussnj T. .1. Harris, Westbrook: Worth; Cliarlcs 15. Addis! Norte, El I’aso; A. .f. Ci Spring and Carlsbad, N. Mj ley, Settles Hotel, Rig Sprit Following a morning of; tlie Settles Hotel men’s cl lunelieon was served in | Settles mezzanine floor bag Delegates were guests ij Saturday evening at tlie f, CALVIN BOY Manager Crawford Hole was a prominent fact, tainment of hote 1 ingot the Crawford Hot wldcli was celebrated wit| dance. Garland Woodwa ' torncy, “rung llie bell" it a delegate, with Ids aiidii, at t lie luncheon. Delegates registered 1 following; T. .f. Harris, Worth; Elmer Elliot, De Paul Montgomery, Holt, j Dick Levy, Texan, Wield Crawford, Crawford, Carl i Clark S. Cates, Kemp, l‘ W. it. Carter, Marclnnan, j ijj E. R. Ricsenberg, West ex j gjj Tinsley, Sett les, Rig Sprinj-Mj HuFsmann, El Paso; C. A.; ■ hack, Lubbock: Calvin Boyl Big Spring; II. R. Allen, Sweetwater; Harvey Day, Campbell, Laguna, Cisco; Hilton, San Angelo; Frank lor, Sail Angelo; W. A. My| bock, Lubbock; Howard son, Ranger: Happy McGj and Grace, Abilene: J. j Douglass, HigSpring; Chart Paso Del Norte, El Paso; I Capital, Amarillo; Mr. Mcsl