March 17, 1982 Dear Doctor, Have yours 13th. Sent hunch clippings toddy to Mias Huey. Things oeer, to he shaping up good in spite of general depression, generally cos plained of, and a race meet here, transferred from lien Orleans, with people sleeping on roofs, in collars, and everybody betting trying to get hack what they loot. It's belli Ho not expect, of course, to get a decision in favor of bridge-at. this resting. Project too big for suehhasty decision. But all this gulf coast section is lined up behind our prograa, and. this section will now rapidly work itself out. McKenna did not last with us over 10 days. Bid ail right until he got drunk. Just found out about his drunk. I have written the Panama Hotel. He was guilty of forgery of course in indorsing and cashing one of our checks. He is well connect!. But it is the same old story of these fellows out on the road. Your word "peeved" is hardly correct. Ask Percy Tyrrell or Yandall what they would say or do if, when away on business, their president made their stenographer "Secretary to the President" ana resorted to other changes in their organization, and then put these employees names on printed ra tter at the head of duly sleeted o°ffioers, vice presidents and directors of the organization. Very truly