COPY SHIBODAUX-LAFOURCHE ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE Thibodaux, Louisiana, February 18th, 1923 Mr. D. p. Colp, Old Spanish Trail, San Antonio, Texas. Dear' Sir:- Your very encouraging letter has just been received and I want to tell you that while a letter may be relatively unimportant, one such as that received from you goes a long way towards making our efforts for good roads worth while. Our bonds sole for a premium of $875.00 plus interest., of 3/i> daily balance on deposit, on an issue of $75,000.00. We have an agreement with the Louisiana Highway Commission to begin work immediately on the basis of fifty per cent of the cost to be borne by us and fifty per cent by the State. All preliminary surveys and estimates have been made, there remaining only the letting out of bids to cover the actual construction. This particular link of highway will shorten the OLD SPANISH TRAIL by 38.54 miles over present roads and 6.12 niles over any other proposed route. Moreover, except for three miles of woods, this route will be through the most thickly populated rural section in the United States, making it especially attractive and convenient. We trust that you will communicate with Mr. Ayres immediately, telling him that we are particularly anxious to welcome him and will expect him to spend some time Y/ith us. We will have a modern hotel to show him as our contribution to the accomodations of the OLD SPANISH TRAIL. We should be glad to have you send him a copy of this letter, or to give us his address. Thanking you for your words of encouragement and with best wishes, I am. Very truly yours. (signed) C. J. BOURG . Sec.-Mgr.