December 2, IS22- Hr, Cliff Williams, President INE J.!eriden, L'iss Dear hr. Williams, I enclose history booklet containing 032 mapp as roquestod. Have no constitution can send you. At first r© had a flexible constitution, for as you know there is ranch that is reaaly personal in this highway work. IIow uo are at a point where we will provide a strong constitution. The 032 is divided into divisions under vice presidents, and divisions also are grouped into departments, 3astom Department, Texas Department, Western Department. This is aiscussod in the history booklets. * Because directors cannot readily meet we are providing for a local Sxecutivo Committee that will be the connecting link, with administration powers, between the office force and the Board of Directors,) Bxpcct to be back in your section soon. Look upon the -VH as an important northern feeder and want to do all I can to encourage its development. Certain trunklines from the North, and this east and west Old Spanish Trail, as you and X know, are properly partners in this continental highway movement. Clad to hear £?o.£ you, and wish you good success. Sincerely, ranaging Director.