14 JMj.ooj.oji rancn locations • ™,3£\fre Siting pretty well located, ftrd are throwing a flood ?nBot';er historical inquiries? and these locations are the data that are changlng 30 7 any of the prosent-doy understandings. When no can begin to have the ;?^,,ablLe ®0®ting8, and the data of various associates is », « l,60 ^°o6tner, a picture of interesting and undreamed one rations of the Spaniards will stand out.) 14 Spanish private ranch country near San Antonio, ("his trails in with item 1J.) 15 loo Valley of the Padres.•.mission and ot' er development. ("here was rmh more than the development of five rlsnions and the Villa of San Fernando in this Valley. This atcry of this '■an Antonio Volley is far richer than the fragmentary tales of this mission and that mission.) 16 Laredo, the northern empire gateway on the Great Trail. 17 La Bahia, the "seaport" for Gan Antonio. (includes its several locations. Tied direct and important bearing on the Gan Antonio operations....and I believe we know how that settlement and the trails coordinated with the other Spanish South Texas colonial and mission efforts.) 18 Evanish F-Jo Grande...1 credo to Foma. IP The Spanish trail from the mother city of Saltillo. (•'oct of thin today is a public road? and it all fits in with the other studies under way; and controverts the extravagant claims about the "Old Ra • .Antonio Foad.") 20 "an collection; gecti©’'>al r:’ lit ary. topographical etc. (•.rolio at Hondo, hall. Includes all. South Texas, and covers TTorth ''oxico suite well. seograpMcal and topographical detail on these maps is nor so complete we can put practically every development to an acid test.) Photo collection, Spanish works from Saint Augustine to tan Diego. r •deludes a tops of detailed information; pictures admirably the .Iranieh works and ambitions over this broad territory. Has many values for study, and for publication.^ MOTE—AIL PHOTO COLLECTIONS INCLUDE ALSO COLLECTIONS OP ETCHINGS AND OTHER HAND-WORK SKETCHES, AND AGREEMENTS NITH ARTISTS TO suonlv copies of anything not non in hand, and agreements with chambers of commerce to supply cuts, when ready for publication. 21 I1]