r, o i- y V.1 A II I) I'. F A H 2 IS E H 2 WASEIKCIIOE In reply refer to C.ofE. 611-1? July 7, 1322. Honorable H. i>. ’.Vurzbach, House of Hepreacatativosg Washington, D. 0« Hy dear Hr. Wurzbach: In further reply to your letter of June 21, 1322, in regard to the military irar.ertar.co of certain highways in the Fourth aid Eighth Corps Aroae# I take pleasure in statins as follows: The liigb.vay from Pensacola through Hobile to Hew Orleans is considered 'ey the ear Separtment of first importance, and its early completion in accordance 7.1th Federal standards, including necessary torlugoo, ic urged in the interest of the national defense. A standard Federal Highway batwea Pensacola and Jacksonville is also considered important. In Texas the following trunk hiijHvayE are oonsidored essential from the standpoint of military operations along the border: baa Antonio to the lcurer liio drunda Valley? ban antonio to Laredo; San Antonio to pel Ait., with branch road to Fugle .Cass; along the liio Grand© from Brownsville to Mel liio, thence westerly to Harfa mid LI Paso with connections sout-r.urd from Harfa to hio 3 ran do points; also from dan Antonio to Corpus Christ!, Standard Federal Highway6 from dan Antonio to Houston, Galveston and Orange., are also regarded as important. A standard highway running along the Mexican border through Mow Mexico, Arizona, and California is also rated of first importance by the par Department. Considered as avholo, the proposed transcontinental trunk highway from Jacksonville to Gan Diego, with its connections to border points, is an essential clement in the plans being formulated by the Mar Doi-artmor.t for national defense and should be canpletod without delay according to tho best federal standards for road construct ion. Sincerely yours, /signed/ Jo V.’ainv;right Acting Secretary of bar