My dear Mr. Le Blanc; South. Yarmouth Massachusetts July 28, 1917 1 have your Let ter of June 21st acknowledged by my office during iny absence on June 27th. I think your suggestion is a capitally good one. \7e have had it in mind ever since your Association was started. We are now financially interested in a number of Good Roads Magazines. These, however, bave been operated on a commercial basis. We have not in any manner tried to make them a house organr A number of our line Associations now have house organs, one of the best of them i3 the Jefeoson Highway Declaration gotten out by SUCCESSFUL FARMING at Des Moines Iowa. We have recently had considerable correspondence with Mr. E. T. Meredith in connection therewith and we are hoping that the time is not long distant when we can organize a house organ that will not only take care of the National Highways Association as the central body but likewise each and every one of our line organizations by supplemental additions thereto, or by devoting a certain amount of space in the general house organ to each line organization. This is a matter of detail, however. How soon we can get around to it depends upon whether we can organize the personnel that will make it successful. I thank you for your suggestions and your interest in connection therewith and quite approve of them and hope the thing can be worked out. £resid<=nt Mr. S. A. Le Blanc, Member NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS National Highways Association c/o Mobile Liners Inc. Mobile, Alabama chd/fbp Elias Vander Horst. C.E., ncw you* VICE-PRESIDENT IN CHARGE OF NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS SECRETARY TO BOARD OF NATIONAL COUNCILLORS Arthur H. Blanchard, C.E., A.M., new York CHAIRMAN DIVISION OF HIGHWAY ENGINEERS TIMOTHY W. SPRAGUE. S.B., BOSTON Will Ward Duffield Enginccr of chart construction Francis Hurtudis. Jr. Robert Bruce, utica. n. y. National Highways Historian Stanley E. Bates. S.B.. Chicago John C. Mulford Chief cartographer national highways association Wilmington trust Company. Delaware southwest national bank of Commerce General Coleman du Pont Chairman Board of National Councillors Charles Henry Davis. C.E. FREDERIC REMSEN HUTTON. M.E., SC.D. Morgan, Lewis 8c Bockius, fhilaoelphia General Counsel Waldron Williams, new York Judge J. M. Lowe, Kansas city, mo. VICE-PRESIDENT A. L. Westgard, new York Vice-president director transcontinental highways HENRY BRANSON VARNER Vice-president president north Carolina good Roads division Joseph Hyde Pratt. Ph.D. Vice-president Secretary North Carolina Good roads division Nelson B. Clark, boston, mass, chairman division of puqlicity Francis Hill Bigelow Assistant Treasurer John Phillips Marquano. boston, mass. C. H. Claudy. Washington director of puolicity Charles E Foote, new York Technical eoitor national highways Pu^UifATtqNS Walter Agnew Alsdorf. coiumous, Ohio assistant director-general ^ Zacchius Davis Dunlap. Nashville, tenn ^. assistant Director-General