ILenii jt: .. imer , Chairman of the Sun Ai.n..iio I..outlive :w. re., .ju— mi;. Ian proposed for it of incoi id • t . . Action refer ’ . ■ ... aft rn oon . 3ss3 on. Am.... nts Do the oonatit . i.....f c< mbmitt .. .... oehalf of i . ,ea, 3T Vice ’r si , )ra , ;x i, .thall, c1 y. Sxocutivs f „r;.j S..n Antonio, T.-.x..s, ucit.- :. o comi-it tee to Jvij; i ial proi ..... . '■ c Jloaer ; .• ■ Di< . betv/eei the >ad- rt rs' fore . . .. ional ir ctors. >eerv ?d for ... . y , .fternoon session. pre ident called •„... Dh< )ld punish frail orkers ai others present for orief t 0 :: lesponde j i >tJ —ir, airman of the .: outiv 2c.....ittee; . 3tc er, Jr., dele ate from .. Diego Chamber of Coranerce; . M. Corry, Highway mis io sr, la.; iss Jlotila Nagel, As Sec'y.j R. . Jncmt . . Field iretary for the stern sj r . ntj R. J. . .... , 'ublicity Director. itters ass ;3 ?ontinued iuj. port f an Antonio p op 1 e to the national -■ r ... dquarters . San A ;onio c res ... from she ..... ....nio ...____sile fr ss ociatioi ............she n li j'al .sate i'oara (filou her-strith) oti.-sr 1st c-srs of . tsoi-wiid i~ ... interest were rood Telegrams .n . letters of con ;rutul. :ion . inter3st .vers read from Phoenix, Arizon , Diamber of Conn :ce, fry elc jretary; cson, .. la, Ihamber of Coi *ce; • • r. r, 8.T Vice ’r . .; TomDston3, Arizona; cs. . , : . 11 ■ . as Iderstine, Baldwin Cove ty, Alabi ua; ... I. ■ 3y rd, 3re ide . Ch m . if "... erce Tails ass e, Florida; . ..St . v: ;r ry-Tr surer lub, C sums bell ter., Texas • . presi • ... '. s or . i. . liss gel, . . . horn; 3on-j J. . cl ; . ssee, Fla., id tat..........................................................uld ap ioins th3 other convsn ion commit : t the fcl! ov/in sassioi . Glut io . . srnitt . o ti :onvention, . L u r th r ... : /ere reservec for oticn at ... y < : oon .... iioi . The . followed riod of ; .o... acqu ted of u 1 lention to rgi ciization det . 3 ssioi . Ijounned to ti folic /ins day. j •- jx*ifi uijvy t