(Translation of the Certificate of the King of Spain appointing Harral Ayres Knight Commander of the Rqyal Order of Isabel la Catolica.) DON ALFONSO XIII By the Grace of God and the Constitution KING OF SPAIN With a desire to give a token of % Royal esteem to you, SENOR HARRAL AYRES, it has pleased me to appoint you, hjr % Decree of December ?th last, Comendador of the Royal Order of Isabel la Catolica. By virtue of this I concede you the honors, privileges and use of the insignias which belong to you in compliance with the statutes, trusting, by the qualities which distinguish you, that you will do your utmost to contribute to the lustre of the Order — This title to be countersigned by the Secretario himself, and affirmed by the Gran Canciller, to be registered by the Contador. Given in the Palace, February 7, 1950* I THE KING' (Yo ei Rey) I, Don Jose de Sandecho y Allen de Salazar, Mini atro Secretario of this Royal Order, have drawn this by His Mandate. EL GRAN CANCILLER (Sig.) Pedro Cond. Segura Count de Toledo. EL VOCAL (Sig.) El Marquis de Guell. The Title of Comendador of the Real Orden de Isabel la Catolica is granted to SE&0R HARRAL AYRES . 1