County of Ssrambia, Jfloriba DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND BRIDGES PENSACOLA. FLA. June 1, 192". 3. Ayres, Glut C. Gear Ar. -.yros; I ' ave yours of ha; 23th. I v/cr: glad tc hear fron r i : id.........- A. . the word yon sent fror.i sent fro; :■ talh wit! Ji 3 ;e hr. Anrral Oare, uih's V/ashington, Aith hindest J' iige - hill'i vis' ■ . tl t we Were slipping into a )sitioi w3 re fc] orii ight get lost will quicil; be ' . . 2 1 n iE tc . to! : x rtl e tile fc so: fed sral aid o di roads a: i fc] : county fc] tate 100% for the ss e, the fee accx ] ting a fund foz r" : bridge. reccni fig] fc we 3 had ove i 1 ' ,t ::o~: nited th( have Lliii ; th n tter throughout, - its for fc]c bridge t e brj ;] fce. -er. re ■ :T ■ i ; j tion to go a! ea soo ’ jv; federal ap; r : t5 : n in