Meetings of Board of Directors Sec. 3. The Board of Directors shall meet on the call of the President or any three directors, and if practicable there shall be not less than four directors’ meetings per year. Quorum Sec. 4. Four directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors, and twenty-five members for a convention meeting. ARTICLE VI. Elections Section l. The officers and directors of this Association shall be elected at the last session of the Annual Convention and shall assume office on the first day of December following. Nominations Sec. 2. Nominations for the officers and Board of Directors may be placed before the convention by a nominating Committee and nominations may also be made in open meeting by any member in good standing. If there be a contest the voting shall be by ballot and those receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected. Vacancies Sec. 3. Vacancies may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired term. ARTICLE VII. Committees Section 1. Special committees may be appointed from time to time by the President. Regular or standing committees may be created as the Board of Directors or the members shall order. ARTICLE VIII. Amendments Section l. Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws may be proposed in writing any time within sixty days before the annual convention and copies shall be mailed to each of the directors, and posted conspicuously during the convention and acted upon at the last session. Their adoption shall require a two-thirds majority of the members present and in good standing. No amendments shall be proposed and acted upon at special meetings unless notice respecting such amendments is given in the call. A1 SNDHENTS. \ Amendmentg proposed, to constiti jail to permit of the reorganizat If. ■ith the largo cities as canters. Substitute Article II of the Cone ARTICLE II. OFFICIALS, hlVTTIOTD AND The officers.xand direotcre of ■ .•Vice-President fur oaoh division, at ary iv.;a one Treasurer may bo corn; f.icjan! directors as the Assoc: nd directorsj not exceeding twenty-be Board of Directors. The Iligluvay shall be divided if Resident to each division, a, the } Bal3 doom wise. The officers vnd shall consiitute a. Divisional Counc 'resident for matters nr is in- vitiiir lot ween meetings of the Board of Vi: J0CAL1FFICI Councilors may bo appointed in iE the local representatives of the Inp the .vork, and for fostering the may also serve as aides •ounc ij.oro may ;ork. Am nd Article II of the By-Lav; ’oard of Directors com, lots of the Jrovided.11