DECLARATION HEntESTIHO THAT TH?. IJA7TI2 0:’ THU OLD OPaHISH TRAIL BN HOC disturbed in cixas bid sudported add cohthiund im ?.:f: nrcnszaB op p,r: highway projoot recognised and established. BROH ID. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA TO 3A1I DINGO, CALIFOUIIA. * * * * The people of Sonora and of Button County have for six years Boon actively interested in and helping develop the Old Spanish Trail fron Florida to California. In ISIS one hundred and thirty-five Vest Texans met at San Antonio with delegates from the Boat and these Texans pledged their efforts to put a road across the plains. Hot oven a good trail existed at that time. Sutton County voted $300,000. In those six years, ns the outcome of that San Antonio meeting and the subsequent efforts, we have soon all ’/oat Texas opened. The Old Spanish Trail has been under development us a national highway for ton years and as such has been recognised by the states through which it passes and by the United States as the basic trunkline of the South crossing trie continent fron St. Augustine. Florida to San Diego, California. A recent report of the Old Spanish Trail shows the following extensive work that has been done. They have published 40,000 service and general naps; 10,000 four-color lithograph wall naps; 00.000 miscellaneous leaflets and booklets; 20,000 travelogs and now has a wealth of material ready for a Texas Travelog of 20,000 copies; magazine and feature articles have reached a circulation of over 4,000,000; over 2000 miles of roads have been marked and now marking is necessary; aero milestones have boon dedicated by prosidents and governors; 08T field men have traveled over 50,000 niles in thi3 work-in the eurly days thoy wallowed in mud and mi‘re working out courses of the highway across the continent; now the women are organising and beautifying the highway and they too have made groat contributions to the service. It is roportod the State Highway commission has voted or announced that the section of this highway across Texas should be named the "Jefferson Davis Memorial Highway" thus aiming at the destruction of ton years work by Texas citizens and involving Texans in bad faith with sister states. Therefore we request the State Highway Commission to publicly declare the Old Spanish Trail name across Texas shall remain as planned and that the Highv/ay Department will continue cooperation with sister states to build a nationally known trunkline over this route across the continent, and to cooperate in every possible way to establish the Old Spanish Trail as a groat southom trunkline, mid to refuse recognition to any group or intdrost seeking to fasten other names upon the highv/ay and thus causo confusion to travolors and discouragement to the men and women who have worked so lojig to create the Old Spanish Trail as the connecting artery between Florida and California.