Xaliohaosoo reports that party who nailed acetal reports on condition of the Old Spanish Trail iIlgiiv;ay,from Xailnhassc • to idvirhopc,Ala.,June 20th to 21st,states that the Old Spanish Trail Highway Tallahassee to Quincy,Fla. is good; Quincy to M rianna, goodjHarianna to Ohiplcy,fair;had sulverts and road noods ir ;i Chlpley to Lyxiifay/aai; ilonifay to 0GD-’yvillo,good; Oaryvillo to Y/ootvillc,road is rough in swan©; crossing at rlv ■' is got l; Wostville to Pone© d© Loon is poor; Pone© do Leon to : jP niah springs,part Is very good; i miles iron DoPonioh in. fine shape; DeFunlah Springs to Croctviow and Crestviow to Milton, fine; Milton to Mulat,fino; forry charge at inlet to arose hay $1.25; from west shore of hay to Penoacola,fine; Pensacola to Pairhopo,Ala, is good to Alabama line, poor to Rob v'to-do lo and fair to Pairhopo. Sio ferry leave;i Pairhopo at 7 A.M.,00 that motorists from the © st are obliged to stay over night at Pairhopo.