harlos H« Daris.tfros idont national I'ighwaye Ae«i« 0 33lbf-l«-lse „... i.3$« Sir; Your lot tar of the lath and •• nolo surma received this no ra in-~* am leaving tone,t for '£ ullage eoe .Vlovidu, to attend the c on von t Ion of •:. old Sp/aish ■"■ye:'".. ,■?■;;.?» com nonces to-worraw and concludes fu - following day* I '.a taking y•.■ :/.• letter vith me n .<.11 aafc for 0.01ion on asm* by the :Jonwntion®:Ai'-uriiil-'. .. enclose owe of the circular let be rs sent out . ay 5 th»<:>y the obi is Chamber of 0 or-v.iorc<3 ©which will doubtless bo of i: f -t-: ■*'* to youVfhie was sent out entirely indopond«ntly of tho 03/3 Spanish frail and without it© knov/ledge*Tiy? fact that the Old Spanish Trail coin cine a with Government needs is a coincidence only<> However as it does coincide •m'^y we count on your sup port* .movement is not asking Government anything unreasonable because if the Government is willing to put into road it needs the sanio amount the different commonitioo have,it will probably be sufficient ? ay 2.? (31,1917