nan and other national loaders Joined in ss signed declarations asserting tliG natioma importoaco of tho projocil — rnd "tvlicro, since, ra«olutionc’havo voqh intro&noed In Congress cooking author it?. for arm?. onvjnoors to bo detailed to service on oortain of the groat -i.-ohlcno, following tho ••aafeington aofciovenenta tint civic clubs of tho Just throw tholr weight behind tho worfc, and assured the finances for ttio continuance of It. 2iie fast 4,-ai‘l her mri eaftonooa, oor.tributod to tho fan Antonio office, . id the : !?.£hingtO!'i o".i-mzoo0 and hay money for conbismiug hex siorfc. \ In throe tears the Old Spanish frail syotora had not onl;- attained’a position as ftn-3 of the few great national hi^imye, hut it hud carried its tributary trunks to borderland points for inte'matioaal connections, and tho psovio had boo one ready to unify into one great contlnoatbl or- aiiso tion. iscrxsxbxs cotiDisious aas ox s-.i -issosic airier Tugact 7 th tho 'fenaging }:• tree tor returned to Antonio to find condition® of grco ;o eorolesrrnoas v;-S waste at Xieadquartcro, ana the ooniidoneo of the people of Sescs and tho ost abused* 1322 hud. indeed proven a year of increasing support in Seesaei Over '11,000 00 hstfeboon paid to the gsa Antonio offiesfren January 1 to IJow&or -L, and it is gone* ’ Instead of tho marking rnS. service ve-xb: being well on toward St. AugustJno, grave -.rob lor,id exist now In to hurdon *•■’.1.2. tho verb., .'v.>r A,.000 00 h ^hooo ooOO:;A~ ed in throe districts Is Ac-:-r.o for tho travel :-i?.ps» 20,000 of which cro proraie^h to he diatrifeuled, 10,000 worthless booKLots foot in any sense tho service maps planned) tjopo printed for one district; these were consigned, to tho waste the? g.-foodied tho greatest collection of igcor.-meo and errors one eoi-ld hov>o to onoounte? in a Xifo-tine. It in difficult tc estimate vSint it will cost aow to correct tho iiis^infopjrivUosii and got these :xtpB c;s:-o iitfcr. gallon out aitSi du::ic degree of intelligence and restore the ( credit, of tho organiswatluji It it; also difficult to esbJU« the losses® because these field. non aro net £Irish-nl in Scocaa, and at work in eastern sections 'tci’.j the; ere u lied and seeded* AdditiLest llj.. ■ SSOO 00 to §4000 00 of direct anil contingent liabilities arc iding. ihoao good -.jorch its have sot beeo paid; history booklet:-, nsinhcrship or-blcm®, office etsitienery0 rent end other itovia used in building up this fneo.P3, ;. :co still unpaid* She vh.o f-.o Oro-sur; 111c diviylvv; if in, althe oonsidesfOTle MM wero collected oa -gio raMlt of tniu vicing., .'lot? ;rro filed hy ficlu c-hochy sppf. cacounfe of t field •. ',.- •••• / for someone to lose or for this organization to aoias oloo.n, ao agvoo;;;onts or definite xuaderxtoii-5.ingc ecxist oiif. the • t« i ■ o re the result. The ae;i wbfi’o not hondou 03 repairod hg '/bog v.iovo .uilov;od to in« dcrwc c:c convert checks to their ov:.r uso, ; It;.'.- rc-.;ci. .iK'j, - •*! printed receipts, required all checks to he pa;v.toked iiiai all haoinooc aathods . .nil accounts bo ti-oroxy invoatigutod, anil that thej .report eololy with regard to vno ox * Old Spanish Vrail. 2ho Xresident, in raoottog accepted this ooi/aittee persomol as satiofactory, -nd agreed to abide oj ito dooxoioau.. .-..ter a month of full and open inquiry, this co.iiittao doc idea Ta-f.’.niraousxy ^ President aasi^a ohould resign and tiio ,:roeideat^failod aitJwa* uo rocaoc L his pledged v/ord or tho conclusions of his fallow-eatlsous. A resident, no matter hou inoonpotont, otill hue tho pouoro inherent In tho office* limy doluyo have folloivod this effort &b or&orl^j‘.nA oon-etraotlvo correction of oo»tditiernaj>'15£is coa atbjo was appointed ..uguufc t. ulii it wes reedy to report septemijer 18th; the .•resident'b promiBc to resign, if the committee so oonoludod, had boon given previously- ____________________________________________________________________ i'o stop further