■ Cetclor Kv, 13&2 Dear il-erbert, '! ]\ e finally aGcfoaplished the iratalation of an pssout ive Ccniciiitee of substantial cibLs'fenn, vith'power to control policies and prfteticsa as jura* Board o:i Dir'ootoi’S do there,' This, aw ft. first- tiling, stops at oroo tliG loose things the President cere has boor fostering- "oxt 170 trill lead up* to ay rhlvis'cry Board ox delegate::*iron, the civic and' ooiasicrcitti or^ar. i ration:.:, and lie cl:' 1: Antonie - oliiciall:.- and- flatly 'behind liiiis rorfr it ihe v. onvo-.-v;: ion vs will plan tor a national board oil directors ard this local or'isation to IV.not'iGr 'and co-ordinate ao that never arc- in cor a sin-yio ofx’ic ial*-assacr.e the poorer to up ft or things as has boon Scrp is 'o: an. -v.: <.? rou'clilvg tale rhnrlos as in tl-.o T1riv/:c Is: case. Pc' -have a bar,el ni bad problorif: to -clean u . bit 1 believe her .-itonio {vr.ltl all lor .burdens) v;l-1 n • '-.-tc t‘c. osnvr.ut uvn ‘ b- t '•.c, <. J.eov,-. : up and stand ready with the re::'- t:f yc-.\ to put Oy-d hoc;, this oir. . orl: straight- . I had supentedv to'bo in Louisiana long before this; and os. rp.- Krcrtr had expected a convention. in loverier — but ’/ill rot dc.ro leave again until I sec this Peace:itin: boraitioo tl ire if In charge, and the* o&Cico purified* Iho rreridnnt vdr.ld not lave dor.o sotio of the things he di'd if Go Ip, tee nan. r left in charge, had not poined to v-M’Ic out their own pet things* ilinoKpcjl ••