September 25, 1922 ,!r . Cha s, K, S imp 3 051, I.'iltor., Florida. Dear "Ir- Simpson,-- You know of course since my visit among you last spring how '.much I believe your whole r-lorida highway and travel conditions' should' be developed now. * .'.i’ho travel movement would bring continual money, to your section, and our cicpcrionce in the west also shows that it rapidly carries highway improvement forward, • You of best Plorida are suffering another loss in that, by your inactivity thru them, you arc actually contributing to the development of the highway thru South. Alabama as a-permanent and strong competitor to you, Since I was with you I have tried to. have Pensacola give their quota toward this Old Spanish frail work,' then v/e could reasonably hope to work thru '.Vest .Florida without financial ombasrasament. i’ho Chamber cf Commerce directors, and others, have several' times nicely promised Pensacola's quota, but to my regret they hare not fulfilled., have just had a letter from the Chamber of Commerce indicating they must give their atcention to other things. In all the years of my 'connection with this, work .• crsaeola has promised her support, but lias; never actually net the needs. '.’he result has been this organization has spent much money in that section, and has done important things for it, but there has been no financial return any where' near equal to the actual expense oven. I - 'do not- think there is any lack of interest, but just some lack' of understanding of the importance of the things that should be done, and of the fact that we cannot do things unless wo can meet our expenses. Because of all the nice courtesies I have received every time I havo boon in .’Tilton. I thought this letter was due you all there. V/ith kind regards to everyone, I am. Sincerely, managing Director.