| m Contributors to this advertising are complaining, members are coraplain-J-ng, and Hr. Coin says the solicitor was to ay half the cost of the printing f*nu the solicitor says lie vpm<>■«wasn't. fhe solicitor v/as found overpaid his 7f>/> commissions, and'nr. colp said the solicitor owed him and Dr. rohnoton novo money, and it is stated the printing was given to tin:.;, incompetent ccSkhEC shop because the proprietor owed .Dr. -Jolmston nonoy. 'his solicitor was sent out again and given Top after I Lad recalled him. Iio also was allowed to indorse and convert checks to his own uaa. About the time of my return another nan was sent into admittedly moor territory and given 55 1/5; and made for himself :ioo CO per week. A' so-called publicity man was sent out and as usual no contract is shown, and none of the protecting influences thrown around him. Important privileges wore turned over to him, without' record or restriction bo far aa known. lie passed had ckcca and left unpaid personal hills, and on my return T recalled him," then he was secretly sent westward. lie" passed a bad cheek for 'DOC 00 in :iar. Diego and disappeared. information" is now coining of other misuse of moncr ar-.ri n-f nnoJi s*e There 260 00 ie still due me. 1 gave Hr." Colp my personal check in April for (;15C GO because ho claimed to be in distress, and he has not attempted to repay that< The organisation cannot continue? to exist by such practices. We must show the people, and at once, wo are worthy ox the trust placed in ua, and the first step is to stop this'abuse- of their confidence, and to restore the protective and constitutional provisions to the Headquarters work —and this in spite of the aresident if he persists in refusing to accept the w/rdlet of his own follow citizens and workers. Then ways must be found to continue the constructive policies that placed this Highway on tho maps of all tho OGT states as a part of the federal system of highways, and aa an important transcontinental highway; and that brought about tho a color atj.on of the senators and' congressmen that this was a basic highway of the United Abates system and should ho promptly completed in the public interest; and that secured the' »ajr Department vjmmsm^vasat statement that it was of first importance to the national defense and asked for its construction, according to the best fo'doral standards as a military necessity.