cj37?tsinl>er' 26,1982 .'Sr 3. i.D.P v:<‘. Tyler Texas. 5J. Wo. 5. Dear "I&iian: :is. «u .-io-8 oyre to 'i;--’ ,'rf «y ?jny advert trying •along :;he' lino you up; st, because v»o do not wish t’torio* -v.-ris oaf Wit \i\. i; tho public. Share is no ”-7 ij. : ;; ,j:i Tv/.-'.-j memorial Highway" from ocean to oo:;.-.Uo T.)/j.i highly uruEi ocean to oces.n along 'hi- Soulkoru 1:,>.•. r -iio "juitsb states is the Ola Spanish Trail Highw. and it has be on officially reoogniaed by oartwent fo ? inpraveroent* fte >r:.vti • ■:.« I®.;.Ayro a, of San Antonio,Texas, rho is -fenagiiig Director ox Due Os»S As.oclotion to set you straight on this matter, as vo arc sure that you mean to giv. out aqyhjsatle i:-v urr aid on in \our articles. tony ; car a arc, ■. logger of highways, ss olein g to play uook the sentiment of the Southern people oonoeiv-.d tho idea of pavi-in.:- soria money by faking a high«ay and culling it "Jefferson ^avis Ilomorial Highway", having vhe termerity to use the route of the vlC •.vwaninh Trail 'highway. Sxcopt in a few places in liississiopi ,i;o seaport was given the Davis log,as the people • :;ere lo\*»l to the Oil Soaninh Trad 1 High-All cioiiiiaun.isios along cue frailfive keening off of if ail' signs except -oho Oof signs ana signs of the State highway Do-porvm&nts t.; ;ignating the number of it as a State highway,in sections traversing the vario% states. In Florida,it is State Highway Do. I,and will soon bear the OSS signs,as the crew is working east, fron Texas. The public should not be confused by people who are writing ab.-uf highways when they really do cot have authentic 'information on which to base their stories. We will aoprooiate it if you will help to ocu.’ this misinformation, by changing the articles to read "Old Spanish Trail",instead of the misnomer of "Jefferson Davis highway",which does not exist except in tho minds of a few individuals who have boon led wrong in tho matter. The public is entitled to tho truth. Copy to *r. Ayres. Very truly yours, Secretary