0 2 0 0 0 0 0 c 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 So WELLTON BHOTEE 34 miles east of Yuma—In the Heart of the Desert Quite...Restful and Unusual Coffee Shop in connection L. C. & M. L. SPAIN, Managing Owners ’j 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 3 0 5 3 0 5 0 1 Today passengers on fast trains through Arizona complain if the shower in the club car is not cool and getting “laid out” for two hours on the desert with a b-oken engine is called hardship. But look! Those brush grown mounds might just as well be graves of Apache victims as the sufferings of such pioneers from heat, hunger and thirst, from Apache torture, were almost without parallel in the history of human enterprise. Few early Arizona whites died natural deaths. This was the cost of conquest. Army survey parties, Indian scouts, trappers, prospectors and traders came, explored and left their bones to bleach; but they conquered. .In time they made Arizona safe— safe for trains with club cars and for the motorist. Arizona really began to grow up with the development of her mines by Americans, but the old desert rat of yesterday, the professional prospector, or “optimist of the hills,” whose “miner’s compass” was the swinging tail of the pack mule he followed, is getting scarce now. Time Changes at Arizona-California Line from Mountain to Pacific and Vice Versa 71