GEORGE .1. ROARK. President HEN U. JACKSON. 1st. Vice-Pros. ASHLEY E. WEAVER. Trenail Judise DeWITT RENNET, 2nd. Vi< L. P. TULLOS, Chairman Finance Committee N. A. CRAVENS. 3rd. Vicc-Prcs. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: HARRY LONGE, Chairman CARL E. LOCKE J. V. BROCK W. M. CROOK N. A. CRAVENS W. E. LEA G. HARRY SHEPHERD DIRECTORS: JOHN O. BANKS ED. STEDMAN. JR. 13. K. APPLEMAN J. L. MAPES L. B. HERRING REV. O. A. BAUER W. I). JOHNSON BEN SHIPLEY BEAUMONT, TEXAS May 18ijl1929 DIRECTORS: JOS. ROSENTHAL P. D. RENFRO HEN D. JACKSON ASHLEY E. WEAVER N. A. CRAVENS J. W. ANDERSON k. e. McFarland li. H. JOHNSON J. A. RARNES J. V. RROCK W. E. LEA CARL E. LOCKE W. M. CROOK HARRY LONGE G. HARRY SHEPHERD DeWITT BENNET L. P. TULLOS Mr. Harral * yers Gunter Hotel San Antonio, Texas Dear Mr. Ayers: I wish to acknowledge receipt of your / recent communication and have made mention of this recertb letter to Mr. J. L. Mapes, although I have not had time to discuss the matter in detail and with others of the Old Spanish Trail Committee. I shall take this matter up in the next fev; days and advise you of the outcome. you and will support. My sympathy has always been vi’th continue sof you may always count on my w. v±K«rnme 1, '•^Sb'y^anager Sabine NechesAutombile A: !VLR :E7 cc. Ray Gill, Chamber of Commerce Beaumont, Texas