Bilker hotel system—HAMILTON, G5 nils., moderate priced, quiet street, nice hotel—JEFFERSON, 70 rms„ moderate priced commercial in business center—MENGER, 300 rms., 200 with bath, a noted tourist Hotel many years, spacious lobbies, pat io, old southern dinners. Baker Hotel system— PLAZA, 500 rms. all with Imth. new, splendidly equipped modern Hotel Home—ROBERT E. LEE, 200 mis. all with bath, new, well liked, well equipped, $2.50 down. Percy Tyrrell Hotel system—ST. ANTHONY, 030 rms., fine Hotel, spacious lobbies, large veranda facing park—TRAVELERS, 150 rms., comfortable, popular commercial hotel centrally located. All well regulated, well located hotels. Camps—Nice free municipal camp in riverside grove at Josephine St. Four private cabin camps, nearly 300 cabins and apmts. The best, Grande Court near Brackcnridgc Park, with every convenience; one of file best auto camps in the U. S.. well-equipped, home-like apmts. and cabins. For pleasant auto service—Jamison's at 3rd and Broadway and Lowry’s at 1227 Navarro. Jamison lias filling sta., washes, greases, carries accessories and Hood tires. Lowry lias filling sta., quid! tire service, accessories and Kelly tires. The men are efficient and attentive. Inf.—Old Spanish Trail headquarters at Gunter Hotel. S. A. Automobile League, (AAA) Crockett and St. Anthony hotels: Chamber of Commerce. Aztec Bldg. THRU THE HILLS San Antonio to El Paso—i>82 miles Road Conditions This section is usually driven without hardship in two and three days. Well graded, well maintained gravel prevails: 80 ml. nre paved, out from San Antonio and out from El Paso. The roadbed is broad, grades and curves are comfortable. At Roosevelt for 12 mi. the Plano River is forded a dozen times on under-water concrete bridges; between the fords the old trail is maintained. A new road is to ho built. This river trail with its spring water and shady groves is enjoyed by most people. Pry weather prevails in West Texas. Description of Country The Old Spanish Trail westward from San Antonio cuts directly thru the Texas Hill Country to El Paso. The milcnge is shortened and the traveler enjoys the rugged hills and sparkling waters that have made the Hill Country noted for Its cattle nnd goat ranches and popular for recreation. The elevation and the dry sunshine make the climate enjoyable nnd allow all-year outdoor sports nnd pleasures. Fourteen elear-wnter rivers are in West Texas. Bexar, Kendnll, Kerr and Kimble