San Ant oni o, I1 exas. December 4th, 1934* Mr. Tom 7. Holman, Assistant attorney General, Olymp x a, '7a s h 5 ngt on, Dear ?!r. Holman: Last June responsive to your request chairman of our Committee on Advertising, to Mrs. Jo To Smith, copy o*f our correspondence with the attorney generals was sent to you. Our Department of Beautification is working right ahead. 1?ov it is desired to submit a bill to the Texas Legislature for the control or abolishment of roadside advertising and roadside desecration. The State Federation of 7*oznen’s Clubs in their ssnnual convention just held aligned themselves with us in this movement and v/ill assist-in the legislative efforts. Maybe with ITrSo Ferguson as governor this may be a peculiarly appropriate time to pass a satisfactory lav/® ■ Have you in your the preparation of a apnreciate advices, cide upon the type of can pass such a bill the whole general raov studies anything that will help us in bill for the legislature? If so, v/o would Our committees are now proceeding to delaw that seems best for Texas, if v/e in this state it v/ill, of course, help omento Thanking you, I am Very truly yours. IT. B. Ayres, 03T Managing Director. ttba/to