1 f Summer In The Hills The West Texas Hill Country is the most invigorating summer land in the South. Many inviting conditions combine for relaxation and health elevations from 2,000 to 4 000 ft., rugged hills and rock canyons, a clear sunshine and gulf breezes, spring-fed brooks and rivers, good drinking water, fishing and camping, cow ponies and hiking. Sheep, goat and cattle ranches spread out in all directions. AH outdoors welcomes with its wild, primitive beauty. When the route of the Old Spanish Trail across West Texas was planned this Hill Country, then wild and remote, was selected because of its unparalleled attraction for health, relaxation and sheer joy. Today this country offers the most delightful driving in Texas. Hotels, camps, vacation ranches and boarding houses now are numerous. The rugged hospitality of the West prevails. It is a country that paints roses on the cheeks of children and reddens the blood of men and women. The Old Spanish Trail route across West Texas is the shortest, the roost interesting: and best. It is 33 mi. shorter than tiie railroad and shorter than the southern route. Good driving conditions prevail. There are no bumper gates on the Spanish Trail to damage cars or distress inexperienced travelers. Thcso facts are emphasized because of travel complaint about misinformation. Texans themselves in largo numbers seek the Old Spanish Trail Hill Country for relaxation and health. Tills ulone will always assure good accommodations and service. Old Spanish Trail Trauelog Issued from National Headquarters Qunter Hotel. San Antonio, Texas INDEX Angeles Court_______________________________________ '17 Autocamps, In Descriptive Log..................... _12-41 Baldwin County ______________________________________ ‘IS Beautification work ....:------------------------ 44-45 County seats, in Descriptive Log.....................—12-41 Creed of the Trail______________________________________ 47 Descriptive log and data___________________________ —.12-41 Eastern section conditions -------------------------- 0 Elevations _________________________________________ C-i) El Paso_______________________________________________ 51 Ferries and tolls _______________________________________ 5 Junction, Texas ______________________________________ 4G History,— 4-10-12-10-1S-20-22-25-27-20-31-33-34-3G-37-3S-39-40-41-42-43 Hotels, in Descriptive Log--------------------------- 12-41 Loxley, Alabama ------------------------------------- 4S Map of tire Old Spanish Trail-------------------------2G-27 Mileage table --------------------------------------- 6-9 Officers and directors ............................ 50 Old Spanish Mission Fields_______________________________ 4 Populations ___________________________________________ 6-9 Hoad conditions ------------------------------------- 5 St. Augustine celebration ____________________________ 11 St. Augustine Monument--------------------------------- 13 Stage coaeli to San Diego------------------------- — 43 Tallahassee, capital of Florida--------------------- — 48 Tucson, Arizona-------------------------------------- 49 'Western section conditions---------------------------- 5 Zero monuments ----------------------------------------- 11 The Old History The old Spanish history of the American occupation is not easily gathered together for brief statement. Many old records arejn Spanish and in foreign archives. In developing these historical statements nice cooperation is enjoyed from the OST State universities and from historians of authority. Many communities carelessly publish matter lor which no basis can be found in history. Cooperation is asked that Old Spanish Trail material may always he correct in statement and in spirit. MEMORANDA Federal Standard means standard provisions for safety and comfort—-width, curves, grades, drainage and general 1 alignment. For General Information or old Spanish history write , to Old Spanish Trail Headquarters. For Strip-Map Book of Old Spanish Trail write Automobile Club of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. Mileage is changing as the extensive construction program j substitutes new roads for old or a bridge for the ferry. The Automobile Club keeps specially equipped cars on this i highway and the changes are quickly recorded. The Old i Spanish Trail adopts their mileage as standard. Inquire at Chambers of Commerce and auto clubs along the highway for special information. Auto Camps are improving in the East. They are more numerous in the West, many with individual buildings and I conveniences. Natural camping spots are numerous all j along the highway and camp space is available in most of the towns and hamlets. 3