-r^ (TRANSLATION OF THE CERTIFICATE OF THE KII'G OF SPAIN APPOINTING HARRAL AYRES KNIGHT COM ANDES OF THE ROYAL ORDER OF ISABEL LA CATOLICA) DON ALFONSO XIII By the Grace of God and the Constitution KING OF SPAIN with a desire to give a token of My Royal esteem to you, SECTOR HARRAL AYRES, it liao pleased ae to appoint you, by .,y Decree of December 9th laot, Conendador of the Royal Order of Isabel la Catolica• IV virtue of tide 1 concede you the honors, privileges and use of tho inoig-niae which Isolony to .on in compliance with the statutes, trusting, by the qualities which distinguish you. Hint you will do your utmost to contribute to the luctro of the Order — hio title to be countersigned by the Secret&rlo hiiself, and affirmed by the ran ( Tactilev, to be re. ;.l-Cored by tho Contador. t’-ivon in the Palace, February 7> 19yO. f ( I THE ICIHC- I, Don Jose do iandecho y Allen do Malanav, .ivdntro Mocreinrio of this . .o/al Order, have drawn this by Ilia Mandate- EI. GRAN OA'iCILLER, EL VOCAL, Pedro Good. Segura El Marquis do Quell. Ctunt do Toledo The Title of CGMETBADGR of tho Loyal Order of Isabel la Catolica la "ranted to SECTOR HARRAL AYRES,